What is a common rock (commonly used for countertops) found all over the world?
Dora: THATS RIGHT!!! -haha
The corect answer is granite. Now you may be wondering what is that a picture of because that doesn't look like granite, don't worry its not, this is a picture of a polonium radio halo. They are rings formed when the radioactive substance Polonium-218 is present. Now most radioactive substances last for a long time and decay over long periods of time, but Polonium-218 is one of the few that decay very rapidly. It has a half-life of 3.05 minutes. So, to form a Polonium-218 halo, Polonium-218 needs to be embedded in the rock before it became solid and had to be decaying to form the halo AFTER the rock became solid. In other words its like a bean in an icecube, to gt there, it needs to have been in the water before it froze. Since Polonium-218 has a short life, the rock had to have cooled very quickly. This means that the granite formed quickly. Now this is where the problem is for the big bang, that says there was a hot earth that cooled over billions of years. For more go to ~~> http://www.ichthus.info/Creation-Evidence/Polonium-Halos/intro.html <~~